Ratan Tata ji is such a spoken personality and he was also very simple minded .Along with this he is very firm in his words and he is definitely fulfills what he is used to say ? 

Ratan ji fell in love with an American girl in Los Angeles .And Ratan Tata ji had also made up his mind to marry that girl .Both were in love with each other .meanwhile Ratan Tata ji's grandmother called ,and his grandmother told him on the phone that son ,I am very sick come to meet me ,on hearing this ,Ratan Tata ji made up his mind that he would go to meet up his grandmother because he loved his grandmother very much. And since childhood he was also  brought up by his grandmother .

He (Ratan ji) said to an American lady that Let's go to India there I will introduce you to my Grandmother and we will get married too .But that girl's parents refused they said that Indo-China  war is going on  in India ,now there is danger on that side .

And then Ratan ji kept waiting for that girl in India and the parents of that girl  got that girl married from some other side .But Ratan ji is Ratan ji he is very true to his words .He had promised that girl that If he marries he will marry the same American lady .Otherwise He will not marry and he is not marry yet .He thought it right to be alone  but he did not break his words ,this shows how true he is to his words .



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