Story behind Google Map
This is a story related to Google Map ,in which Sundar Pichai was forced to think that what kind of invention should be done so that people do not lose their way . there is a story behind the creation of Google Map. There is a thanksgiving dinner in the house of Sundar Pichai's relative . His wife Anjali told him (Sundar ji ) you should also reach for dinner , then Sundar Pichai said that I will go straight to dinner from the office . and you go straight from home to dinner .At that time ,Sundar Pichai leaved in America and when he leaving his office and going towards his relatives house ,he lost his way .

And when Sundar Pichai lost his way ,It is obvious that he arrived late for dinner and when He reached the dinner at his relative house ,He saw that the whole dinner was over . means that the dinner was kept , it was completely over .Seeing all this he felt very bad that he could not reach dinner on time ,so he thought that which app should we invented so that the people do not lose their way ?He also thought that about the common people that there would be many people who would have lost their way and could not reach the place on time .
Then the next day thinking about this incident that happened to him that he lost his way .He called his team and asked what should be done so that the people do not lose their way and reach their place on time ? Then he thinks Why not make a Map?firstly the team did not agree but after repeatedly convincing by Sundar ji ,his team agreed .And finally Sundar ji and his team invented Google Map.and finally Google map was launched .Firstly Google Map was launched in US in 2003 and then in UK .And then Google Map launched in India in 2008 and Gradually Google Map was launched in all over the world .
If you searched something on Google and You did not find it,It means that he does not exist in the World . - Sundar Pichai
Story behind Google Lens
There is an interesting story behind making Google Lens .Sundar ji was once sitting in the Garden then his daughter plucked a flower and asked her father (Sundar Pichai) What is the name of the flower Dad ? then Sundar ji got into thinking that what could be the name of the flower ?and after deep thinking he realised that he is not be able to answer the question and then He thought many people who also not know everything then he called his team and told them that suppose If I want to get information about any product .the product will be available on my phone itself .Then Sundar ji with the help of his team created Google Lens .
And with the help of Google Lens ,We just scan the products and we get all the information related to that product or thing .
Story behind Google Translator
There is also a unique reason behind making google translator .Sundar ji had gone to china for some work .the translator was with him for some time .but after some time the hour for translator was over . then Sundar ji had no option he had to travel alone in the street of China . Wherever he goes everyone speaks in chinese language ,chinese hoardings were everywhere .
And when Sundar ji went to chinese Restaurant to eat something .The Chef was also talking in chinese and Sundar ji could not understand anything .Sundar ji was not able to talk to any chinese person because he is deprived of chinese language .He did not know chinese language .then after this incident he thought that we will launched Google translator .
So that if any person goes to another country he /she does not
have any language problem .He/she should understand the language of other country properly .and Google translator was
was launched in the first two language .And now it has been launched in 108 languages.It is being used all over the world .
A person who is happy is not happy ,because everything is right in his life ,he is happy because his attitude towards everything in his life is right .-Sundar Pichai.
Story behind You Tube for Kids
Similarly there is an interesting story behind You tube for kids App .Sundar ji had an Employee who was mostly absent in the office .Sometimes he ( employee ) come to the office and sometimes he would not come to the office .and sometimes he would leave the office early .Then Sundar ji got upset because of the behaviour of Employee .Then Sundar ji called the employee asked the reason why he takes so much leave .
Then the Employee told that I have a son who is Young
and he got the project from school .So instead of making project he see the wrong content on You Tube and when I open the history of his You Tube .It had all the wrong content line wise which my son was watching .and then Sundar ji understood his point deeply and thought which app should be launched so that Young children do not see wrong content ,Then he launched You tube for kids in 2017 .
You Tube for Kid App provide Children Appropriate Entertainment and Child Appropriate Content.
Due to the contribution of Sundar Pichai ji , today many helpful apps launched by Google like Google alerts , Google Play ,Google WiFi, Google Shopping , Google Hangout ,Gmail, You Tube etc .
How to convert difficulties into opportunities and solve them .we should learn this from Sundar Pichai .
A lot can be learned from Life experiences we should also learn this from Sundar Pichai .
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