Elizabeth used to give a signal in a certain way through her handbag and it was strictly forbidden to touch Elizabeth's bag .

Elizabeth used to celebrate her birthday twice a year .Elizabeth was born on 26 April 1926 in London .But Common Wealth countries traditionally celebrated the Queen's birthday also .

Elizabeth  did not like Junk food at all .The one thing Elizabeth didn't like to eat was Garlic .

   Elizabeth definitely used to wear a gloves in her hands and she always kept  two pairs of gloves in her purse too.  The main reason wearing Gloves was to protect her hands from dust,dirt and germs.

No Court case could be run on Queen Elizabeth .No Case could be filled against her nor could any evidence be presented against her in the UK Court .

The Queen was not only the Queen of Britain but also of 14 other Countries .These countries had been under British Rule at one time or the other .Many names are included in these countries Like Canada ,Australia etc..

   Queen Elizabeth was the only member Whose car did not have a Number Plate . And along with this there is a interesting information that Elizabeth does not need a driving license accept Elizabeth, all the member of royal family need driving license .  


The Queen loved the chocolate . Experts said that whenever the chef put chocolate in her Plate .she become very  happy and she liked chocolate very much .

Whenever Queen used to walk in any programe .It was the rule that the Queen used to walked in front .No one used to walk in front of her .Even her husband was not allowed to walked in front of the Queen .

When the news of Elizabeth's marriage came to India At that time the ruler of Hyderabad was Mir Osman Ali .Mir Osman Ali chosed the world's most famous fashion brand "Cartier ".and said  their Brand to show all their collection to Elizabeth and she can chosed whatever she liked . 


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