BIOGRAPHY OF ELIZABETH 

Elizabeth was born at 2:40 AM on 21st April 1926 at 17,Bruton street in May fair London , She was the first child of Duke and Duchess of York (Later King George VI And Queen Elizabeth  The Queen Mother )Elizabeth educated privately at home and began to undertake Public duties during the Second World War ,Serving the Auxiliary territorial service.

.The Queen was only 25 years old When she took the throne of Britain .Elizabeth was proclaimed Queen of Britain on 6 February 1952 .But Elizabeth's Coronation took place on 2 June 1953 .
Elizabeth remained the Queen of Britain for 70 Years .She also became the Queen of 7 Independent Common Wealth countries Like  UK, Canada ,Australia
,Newzealand ,South Africa ,Pakistan ,Ceylon (known today as Sri Lanka ) .Elizabeth also had a sister who is 4 years younger than her.

.And her name is Margaret .When Elizabeth was just 10 years old and her sister was 4 years old .This was the time when her uncle abdicated  the throne .And his father took over the British rule .There have been many ups and downs in Elizabeth's life .

Queen Elizabeth has ruled not only the British but also the hearts of people .She became the first woman to rule the British Empire who held the reins of the royal house for a  long time .

Queen Elizabeth took over the reins of her royal family at a time when British status in the world was declining .Many people in Britain were questioning the rule of Monarchy.But she mustered up the courage and took the situation as a challenge .And she raised Britain to the heights of success .


When the message of the death of the Queen was sent by the royal family to British former  Prime minister  Lis trust .It was written in that letter that" LONDON BRIDGE DOWN" Means the Queen has passed away  .

There will be many ups and downs in Elizabeth's Life .She had the responsibility of handling the Monarchy in her life .but the challenges  was also not less and she bravely faced every difficulty .Whether She is to face the challenge to marry her Love or for her coronation to face those people who have put the queen in the Dock.

But she did not give up she faced every difficulty and told the world through her order or action that she did not get the status of Queen just like that. Confidence in her was the strength due to which she ruled the British Empire for 70 Years .

After the death of the Queen the whole world gathered to see her . Citizens of Britain and the followers who living far away from Britain  they were eager to catch the glimpse of of the Queen via the Internet or the Television .The queen has seen  many of Britain's Prime Minister changed .And it is surprising that before her death ,the new Prime minister of Britain  Liz truss  was (But now Liz Truss was a former Prime minister )   sworn by Queen Elizabeth   .But Queen Elizabeth's life  taught us a lot ,gave us many lessons ,about how she faced every challenges in life in a a very simple manner  ,in a very simple way and she was also very successful in overcoming those challenges .

Despite being a Women having ruled a throne for such a long period of 70 years ,It is not a small thing or It cannot be underestimated .

  • Elizabeth died at the age of 96  at Balmoral Castle ,Scotland . 
  • Queen Elizabeth was so kind hearted that after the world war 2 .She took the permission for her parents and taught her to drive ambulance and trucks so that she could help people .
  • Elizabeth never took advantage of her throne She has always paid taxes since 1992 .
  • Elizabeth has also broken traditions that have been going for centuries .  Instead of wavering people from far .She greet people near to them .




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