Saikhom Mirabai Chanu

                              Saikhom Mirabai Chanu 


Mirabai chanu was born in 8 August 1994 .Full name of Mirabai Chanu is Saikhom Mirabai Chanu .She was born in Nongpok Kakching  about 30 kms away from  Imphal city , east Manipur  (India ). Her height is 4ft 11 inch .Her father name is Shaikhom Kriti Meitei .Her mother name is Shaikhom  Tombi Devi .She also has siblings .


                                                    Childhood Days 

When Mirabai Chanu was very young ,when she was 10 or 12 years old .She used to bring wood from the forest  with their  siblings .Mirabai with their siblings used to bring water out of the rivers .One days Mirabai  was going to get wood from the forest for cooking at home .

The weight of bundle of wood was so heavy ,that it was difficult for his brother to handle the weight of wood bundles in his head .so she herself lift it up on his head and brought it home .

The weight of bundle was so heavy that even his brother was finding it difficult to lift .But Mirabai ji  lifted that bundle of wood very easily on her head .

In the evening she went to the neighbouring house to watch TV. She saw Kunju rani devi on TV .People said that her (Mirabai chanu) you lift such a heavy weight very easily .Why  don't you  played for the country ?

Kunju rani became the inspiration of her life .Firstly she don't want  to become a weightlifter ,she wanted to become an  archer but her mind  suddenly changed and she made  weightlifting as her career.

Mirabai chanu thanks not only of her family members but her fans also .and she also thanks the truck drivers who  helped her to reached the training centre at that  time .she said the truck drivers also supported her a lot .Mirabai chanu also expresses gratitude to them .


                                                   Struggling days 

Ups and downs in life are part of this game but one who never loses  hope can conquer the field with courage and hardwork .

Similar is the story of Mirabai chanu is a great player .The story of  his  success is famous all over the world , but she has also seen the face of failure . 

RIO WORLD  OLYMPICS 2016 -This was the time when Mirabai chanu became very nervous .When she went to lift on the stage she was completely blind due to which she could not win the Rio Olympics 2016 and she had to face defeat .

In an interview she said that After Rio Olympic 2016 both her coach and her mother were very sad and she ( Mirabai Chanu ) did not eat food for several days .but she did not give up and in 2017  she won the gold medal in the Commonwealth championship .

After achieving many medals  and many awards ,she again got a golden opportunity and many awards ,she again got a golden opportunity in the 2018 common wealth games . Showing his talent and she won the gold medal in commonwealth .

 . She (Mirabai  ji) says that this moment will always be memorable for her . When she once again raised the flag of our country at the 2018 Commonwealth games .

                                            Challenges faced by her  

There also had a time when she faced tough  challenges.she suffered a back injury and was on bed rest for 4 months.It was very difficult for her to get up and walk , because of back injury . There came a time when she felt like giving up Weightlifting .because she was going through her back injury .That's why she could  not play in the Asian games ,but his close relatives encouraged her a lot at that time .The member of a federation also supported her a lot .They motivated her and said that you are very strong and Don't give up .In this difficult time of her where his relatives were helping her ,they were encouraging her .

But she was mentally not very strong at that time .Her federation team members were also encouraging her .

She also had to take help from psychologist  .And the psychologist suggested   her to forget the difficult times .Then Mirabai ji determined that she will never look back and try to  make her future bright .And she followed the regular diet like meat ,egg ,milk she completely denied junk food .

She credits her victory to her  family ,coach and all her fans she said an interview that this success in her life was possible because of her family ,coach and fans and those who helped  in her struggling journey .

                                        Anita Chanu (Mirabai's first coach )

Anita chanu said that Mirabai was very promising student and she was very hardworking person .Anita Chanu says that even after traning I have given  her extra classes her special thing is that even after the end of the training .She used to keep trying. And  She listen very carefully to everything .and followed every technique that was taught to her .she says that keep trying  continously is the reason of Mirabai's victory .


Mirabai says that she loves both singing and dancing .she has performed dance in school .She feels that listening to the song relaxes the mind and she also loves to create creative things .


Her favourite singer is Neha Kakkar .

And her favourite actor is Salman khan .

                      Despite  the  difficulties she  ( Mirabai  ji ) never gave up 

Mirabai ji used to reach training center  (Manipur) at 5:30 in the morning for training.Sometimes Mirabai ji used to go to training center by bicycle  at 20 to 23 kms .Mirabai ji has also said an interview that I also thanks the truck drivers who helped me to reached the training center at time .she said that the truck drivers also supported her a lot . 

Mirabai ji says that during  training she was told that ,she would have to eat food according to her diet like Eggs ,juices,meats  etc.... She (Mirabai ji ) said to her mother that my coach said to me that I have to eat according to my diet .Then her mother said it is become difficult to manage your diet food because it is so expensive.Mirabai ji said that at that time ,my mother run a small tea stall  and my father worked in a government job but he did not get much money .Mirabai ji said  that  due to financial constraints at home ,I only eaten eggs and juices only once a week and  sometimes I used to go for training only drinking a glass of water .

With his hard work and willpower ,she prepared for the tokyo olympics  2020.she devoted all his attention to  training .she said that I mostly avoid phone during Tokyo Olympics 2020 . And she also got the gold medal of the 2018 Commonwealth games .

                                                 Sacrifices made by her (Mirabai ji )

She didn't go home for 2 years during the Tokyo Olympics .she said that my focus was only on training and I only had to focus on training and I did not even touch junk food for many years .

                                       Recently Played  Commonwealth games 2022 

In an interview Mirabai says that during common wealth games 2022 ,there was a lot of support from the audience ,due to which she got motivated and brought a gold medal for India .

                                                   Awards of Mirabai Chanu 

Mirabai Chanu has been awarded with  many awards for her excellent and strong performance .Some of these are important awards 

Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna- 2018 

Padma Shri -2018 

                                             Achievements of Mirabai Chanu 

Despite having financial  problems ,Mirabai Chanu did not let her spirits fall .she kept on developing herself everyday .Everyday she kept on increasing in her game .She has proved herself on every level .Whether It is Commonwealth games ,Commonwealth championship ,Asian games and many other events .She has proved herself in every level and her medals tell about his success .


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