Modi is such a person who not only thinks about the interest of his country ,but he also thinks about the interest  of foreign countries .That's why every leader of the worlds  knows him very well .

Modi ji helped many countries at a time when they needed help .

Modi ji is a kind hearted person and he addressed his country everywhere .but he has also helped a lot of foreign countries .

Modi ji's names comes as the most famous leaders of the world.The leaders of the foreign  countries are also very influenced by Modi ji .He impressed everyone by his hardwork ,in his way of working and foreign leaders always praised him .


                                          JOE BIDEN  

Whenever President Joe Biden meets Modi ji  his happiness knows no bounds.The Biden is always very happy to see Modi ji. 

President Joe Biden said I was honored to welcome you to the white house last September to discuss U.S- India Relations ,to meet with our fellow Quad Leaders .And I 'm pleased to have this opportunity to speak with you today virtually and with your two ministers and your ambassador here in person .
                                                                                                               How Modi ji helped foreign countries during Corona Times?

Fiji Prime Minister  Frank Bainimarama  

Fiji Prime minister Frank Bainimarama said that Doses of Corona vaccines have arrived from friends in India .It's a testament to India's respect for Science,rising role in the world . And Frank Bainimarama also said thanks to Narendra Modi ji for your commitment to humanity .



PM Sheikh Hasina thanks PM Modi  for India's Covid Vaccine . PM sheikh Hasina said I really thanks PM Narendra Modi for this initiative .

India has helped over 150 countries in Global fight against Corona Virus .



Brazil President  Jair Bolsonaro had earlier sent a note to Prime Minister Narendra Modi ,thanking him for allowing the export of  hydroxychloroquine ,used for the treatment of Covid -19 patients .

In  a Letter  to PM Modi ,President Jair Bolsonaro had compared India's move to allow export of hydroxychloroquine to Lord Hanuman and Sanjeevani booti (herb) in the epic Ramayana .

Narendra Modi ji helped many foreign countries in the terrible times of Corona Virus .In this time of Corona Virus ,Modi ji had made every effort so that the vaccine of Corona Virus goes to every corner of the world .

Due to the generosity and Noble heart of Modi ji the leaders of foreign countries are also very much influenced by him .
During the Corona time whenever  foreign countries needed Corona Vaccine Modi ji helped them .

This is the reason every foreign  countries wanted to maintain friendship with Modi ji .


Foreign leaders  also wanted the involvement of Modi ji in the war of Russia and Ukraine because they felt that Modi ji is such a person who can  build a brotherhood relationship between the two countries .

Macron referred to Prime Minister Modi's statement and said that PM Narendra Modi was correct When he said the time is not for war .It is not time to get revenge .It is the time for our sovereign equal states to come together to meet the issues we face collectively . 

Ukraine President Volodymyr  Zelenskyy had urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to help bring the ongoing Russian Military campaign to an end .

Russia's President Vladimir Putin said Prime Minister Narendra Modi is a very good person  Putin also said that India is a great power ,friendly and time trusted friend of Russia .

UK Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson said PM Modi is actually producing on his One Sun ,One Grid One World .

Japan Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said we owe the success of Maruti Suzuki to the support of the people and government of India .Recently the Indian economic growth  has been further accelerating due to various assistance measures for the manufacturing sector ,guided by the strong leadership of PM Modi .



Former Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison thanked PM Modi for his leadership not just within India ,but throughout G20,and Indo-Pacific .He also praised his Indian counterpart for playing a "Constructive"  "very positive role" in times of Corona Virus and stabilizing the crisis .

 It is the good nature and good values of Prime Minister Modi that wherever he goes ,people become his fans .he addresses the culture of India everywhere.

Modi ji said that I go many foreign countries my goal is that  , I should address India's culture ,India's architecture ,India's Lifestyle ,India's behaviour and not myself . because my only aim is everyone knows about my country not me .

One of the speech of Modi ji  in which he said that I urged my Indian brothers and sisters who are spread all over the world ,that India is moving forward ,We moved forward together .Let us  also go ahead and speak with me with full strength"  BHARAT MATA KI JAI ". 





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