Swami Vivekanand ji part 6

                       Some powerful 

         thoughts of Swami Vivekanand ji 

Swami ji spread a ray of light in the lives of people with his thoughts .Not only he was rich in knowledge but he also had the art of encouraging people with his thoughts .and even today his thoughts will be seen in the books of younger generation and in their thoughts .

Swami ji said his point to the people. He had the answer with logic .

All power is within you, you can do anything and everything .

In this thought Swami ji says that all the power of the world is within you .You don't need to search anywhere else .and there is nothing in the world that you cannot do .

Talk to yourself atleast once in a day otherwise you may miss a meeting with an excellent person in the world .

 Swami ji said that you  should never ignore yourself and talk to yourself once in a whole day .Don't let yourself lose in the fast- paced life .Talk to yourself once in a day .otherwise you will miss your conversation with the most talented person in the world .

 Take risks in your life ,if you win ,you can lead .if you lose, you can guide .

  Swami ji has expressed in his thoughts that it is very important to take risk in life .There are some people who do not move forward because of fear of failures .because they are afraid that they may not have to face defeat .but Swami ji said that do not afraid to take risk in your life .If you win you will become leader and if you lose you will be able to guide people .

There are many such thoughts which reflect the personality of Swami ji and even today younger generation worship him as their god .

Swami Vivekanand ji is not the story that a few words can complete .The more you can enter into the depths of his life ,the more will known about the truth of entire universe .

Some powerful thoughts of Swami ji that can change your life .If you applied them in your life .

You have to grow from the inside out ,none can teach you .none can make you spiritual .There is no other teacher but your own soul .

Stand as the rock you are indestructible .you are self (atman) the god of the universe .

Arise ,Awake and Stop not until the goal is reached .

Be a hero, always say ,I have no fear .

Ignorance is the mother of all the evil and all the misery we see . 


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