Swami vivekanand ji part 2

                                    Swami vivekanand ji part 2

                      Childhood story of swami vivekanand ji                                                                  

Swami vivekanand ji is not  only an inspiration to of india but he inspired millions  of people outside in india also .Whoever listen his thoughts accepts him as  his idol .

Swami vivekanand ji was a great soul . his life would also be interesting and full of challenges also .

There are many such stories related to swami vivekanand ji just by listening to them .The  hope of living a life again in the heart of loser awakens .

Today we  will talk about a similar story related to his childhood  which is based on Faith and Truth .

                                    Story related to his childhood 

The class started like everyday .Venugopal ji who was teacher of geography asked one of the student called vikas to collect the copies of student in the class .so that ha can check those copies and correct them .

Then while checking the copies .he picked  the copy of narendra to check .

Then the conversation started between Narendra and his teacher venugopal ji .

Teacher -Narendranath Dutt stand up ( in loud voice ).

Narendra -yes sir 

Teacher-what is the capital of United states of America ?

Narendra -Washington sir 

Teacher -You are still speaking wrong if you dont know the answer then you would have asked your father .or read it from the book .(in anger voice ).What was the need to write wrong ?The capital of U.S.A is Newyork not Washington .

Narendra -No sir, Washington is the capital of U.S.A not Newyork .

Teacher-You don't understand what did i say?

Teacher called Narendra to him and picked up the wooden scale .

Teacher-Now tell me What is the capital of U.S.A?

Narendra -sir Washington.

Then teacher hit the scale five times continously  on Narendra's  hand and then asked now tell me what is the capital of U.S.A.?

Narendra -Hitting your scale will not change the truth .The capital of U.S.A will remain Washington .

Then Teacher opened the book of geography and see that the capital of U.S.A was Washington .He then congratulated Narendra  and said that if you  do not remain firm on the truth . then I may not known the capital of U.S.A. You will show  people the direction of truth  in the coming future .




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